Here you will find the many recommended resources that will help you during times of hardship and a currency collapse. This resource page was designed in addition to the e-book, “10 Steps To Avoid The Crash”. If you have not had a chance to read it yet, I highly recommend you do so ASAP! Time is running our for us to get all of our cards in order. The time to start preparing (if you haven’t already) is NOW!

To download your Free copy of ’10 Steps To Avoid The Crash’, Click Here


Below are categorized lists of items that you are recommended to have on hand when all of this finally goes down. In the simplest terms, if you’ve done all your research, it’s easy to see that the best answer to surviving all if this is to be 100% self sustainable. Having everything you need on your land/property and requiring nothing from outside sources. The following lists includes everything from food, water, books and medicine to power sources, weapons, tools and basic necessities to protect you and your family.


BUTTON 1 copyOf course the first thing that you are going to need is obviously food and water. You cannot survive more than maybe a few weeks without food and only a few days without water. Most people never think about a scenario where there is no food in the markets and no running water for weeks possibly months or longer. What about the simple basic items that we don’t think about not having, like toilet paper or feminine products? See more….


BUTTON 2 copyMost of us will think to bring a first aid kit or snake bite kit if we’re camping, hiking, climbing etc.. But what would you do if you got ill and there was no Hospital to go to or no doctors to help you? There are very crucial things that you need to have on hand and one of them is medical and health supplies for emergencies. Simple and easy ways to heal everything from minor colds to major sicknesses and wounds. See more….


BUTTON 3 copyIf we’re going through all the work to stock up on food, water and medicine, then it would only make sense to have ways to protect it. In certain situations you may have to fight off others who have not prepared and are in desperate need for food and water. It is imperative that you protect whats your’s and remember that when people get desperate, they are willing to go incredible links to get what they need to survive. Its a scary thought to be in the situation, but also one you want to be in control of. See more….


BUTTON 4 copyOne day you’re sitting in your chair watching your favorite show or playing your favorite game and then …………. No power! You wait, light some candles and make the best of it. Then two days, three days, then a week! OK what now? The food in the refrigerator is going to go bad and there’s no sigh of power in sight. Again this is a scary thought but with some minor preparations, you can be all set up and sitting pretty. See more….


BUTTON 5 copyThe biggest mistake that you can make is to not do anything because you feel that you can only do a little bit. If you feel that this overwhelming, which it is for most or that you just don’t have the time, knowledge or money to prepare than you should consider taking some time to study. You would be amazed at how much you can actually do with what you already have. Things around the house that you can use and foods that are growing in your backyard. Yes even in urban ares there are wild growing foods that you can eat. Do you know what they are? See more….