I used to wonder why gold had any value. Who just one day said, hey, this is going to be used for money? You certainly can’t do that today. Just pick up some cool looking rocks and go buy bread or water. pharaoIf you’ve ever wondered that yourself, here is a little history about gold that really opened my eyes to its value and why I want to get my hands on as much of it as I can, and now!
Gold was one of the first metals to be processed by humans. With it’s striking yellow color, durability and rarity, gold quickly became very popular and was used in many cultures for trade, art and even especially rituals.


So how did this beautiful precious metal get here in the first place? During the formation of Earth, molten iron and other heavy metals such as gold, sliver and platinum etc. that were naturally crated during this time sank to the center of Earth’s core. Now there’s a few different theories and studies that suggest the numerous ways gold reserves are accessible near the surface.


One theory is that during the formation of the Earth, layers of precious metals surrounded the Earth at different levels based on densities and compounds. Then with the work of fault lines, mountains and rivers, precious metals were then pushed to the surface. Then flowing with rivers and streams and into lakes and oceans.


Probably the most well known of these theories is of course that it has been long thought that gold and other precious metals were created during the violent explosion of a Supernova.


New evidence from The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggests that almost all of the surface gold that is found on Earth is from the ancient violent collision of two dead stars resulting in a gamma-ray-burst…. Read more!


Researchers at the University of Bristol say they have clear evidence that the planet’s accessible reserves of precious metals are the result of a bombardment of meteorites more than 200 million years after Earth was formed. Read more!


In all reality, if you look at pictures of gold discoveries across the world, it would be fair to say that all of these scenarios could be logically possible. Could be one of them and it could be the combination of all of them. It would also help explain the different types of gold deposits and of course why there is an abundance of metals to be found on the surface if the Earths natural metals did in fact sink towards the core in the planets youth. Its impossible to say with certainty, but one thing that is for certain is that gold, since the very first sighting has been a treasured and highly sought after precious metal.


Different gold discoveries from around the world.

gold collage copy










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